Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Fannie and Freddie Enablers

Top Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008

1. Dodd, Christopher J, D-CT
2. Kerry, John, D-MA
3. Obama, Barack, D-IL
4. Clinton, Hillary, D-NY


While Obama is only #3 on this list, he’s managed to move to 3rd place in only 4 (probably closer to 3) years of fund raising, compared to 10 years for the 2 placed ahead of him.

Change you can believe in? Change from people who, while accepting contributions from Fannie and Freddie, blocked calls for more oversight into these two GSEs. Now the tax payer gets to clean up the mess at a large cost. Thanks Obama for standing in the way of real change, change that might have helped to prevent this loss of over $300B. Just think of all those school teachers that could have been hired for that $300 billion.

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