Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Carl Schramm interview with Doug Holtz-Eakin (McCain's economic advisor)


Anonymous said...

Is it not ironic that

a) Kauffman benefits from the TARP bailouts as it is a foundation with $2.5 billion in assets
b) Kauffman does not fund entrepreneurs nor entrepreneurship directly, but only those who talk/write about it

Imagine if Mr. Kauffman had had to compete with the Kauffman Foundation's sapping of resources had he had to launch his companies in the shadows of the Kauffman Foundation, where entrepreneurs are not supported.

Yes--Kauffman the entrepreneur would have received no support from Kauffman.

The article states, "And so, for instance, Mr. Schramm brags that Kauffman has "dragged economists into considering the importance of firm formation to the overall growth of the economy." The foundation has commissioned some 6,000 papers on this and related topics in the past several years." --http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123879888700588243.html

Imagine if Schramm would have invested in 6,000 patents or 6,000 companies or 6,000 entrepreneurs--then perhaps America's reserve currency status would not be in danger.

But 6,000 papers penned by professors in the ivory tower as the economy crumbles... the great thing about it is that Schramm can take credit for any bounce, as surely it was not the actions of rugged entrepreneurs, but the 6,000 papers that few, if anyone, will ever read.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous

I think you're off on a few points:

1) I don't see how Kauffman benefits from TARP bailouts; please provide a link to evidence supporting this claim (even if they were, I'm not seeing any irony ... especially when more than 99% of it is not going to start-ups)
2) Your assertion that Kauffman foundation only supports those who 'talk/write' about entrepreneurship, isn't irony at all, they're a foundation whose purpose it is to advocate & research entrepreneurship ... no irony there

You go on to talk about 'what if' Kauffman had to compete for resources after they've been sapped by a 'foundation'. My guess is that people who donate to fund research (to Kauffman) aren't looking to 'invest' that money in a start-up ... so they are mutually exclusive events. Look at it this way, how many people decided to give the Kauffman Foundation money instead of investing it with Kleiner Perkins? Probably none, in which case your point about sapping resources isn't valid ... these resources aren't fungible.

As to your general assertion that talk & research is wasted ("But 6,000 papers penned by professors in the ivory tower as the economy crumbles"); people spend $100K to hear about Al Gore talk about the environment, rather than spending $100K to improve it ... their rationale ... if Al Gores' talking spurs more than $100K in environmental improvement, then it's a good return in investment.

As to your statement: "Imagine if Schramm would have invested in 6,000 patents or 6,000 companies or 6,000 entrepreneurs ..." most patents generate no money, and most start-ups fail ... so if the Kauffman foundation isn't designed to be a Venture Capitalist (which it's not), then there's a good chance much of that funding would be wasted.

Conversely, if 6,000 papers on entrepreneurship improve the environment for entrepreneurs by helping to level the playing field against the large companies they compete against (and who probably employ more than 6,000 lobbyists to protest their interests), then it's a good investment for entrepreneurs.